Sunday, May 3, 2009

Thing 23

I've enjoyed this class, as it has opened my eyes to the impact of technology on education. Information comes at such a rapid speed, it is impossible to find and catalog information in hard copy. The Internet is a quick and convenient way to find information. I remember my college days, and all of the hours I spent at the library, away from home. Now, I can do research at the tip of my fingers! I have also enjoyed the entertainment that the new technologies have offered. I find myself far ahead of my same-age peers in this realm, simply because I am a life-time learner. In the future I want to be able to understand how my grandchildren are learning. I don't want to be out of the loop, so to speak. I have enjoyed using my bloglines account to keep current on many issues. I plan on continuing this. Twitter seems to be the main topic for conversation. People frequently ask me if I twitter. I now can proudly say yes. I have even twittered with one of my students who is on the robotics team. He keeps me up-to-date on all that is happening at the state and national level. I have used flickr, cooltext; and other image generators to liven up my documents and blackboard account. Even though I felt very insecure in attempting all of these "Things", as it placed me out of my comfort zone, I now feel more confident in tackling the new technologies. I have surpassed my personal goal of being intimated by technology!

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